We have made further investments
This time we have received a varnishing booth, in which we will be able to varnish all your furniture and more. The varnishing booth will allow us to maintain the highest quality of service. In addition, at the same time we also invested in another piece of equipment, varnish extraction, which filters the air inside the rooms used for priming and varnishing, as well as the drying room, where ventilation is just as important. Adequate extraction will enable us to work more comfortably and further improve the quality of the service provided.

June 2022 - Another investment achieved
We have received one of the most important machines. A veneering machine arrived straight from Italy. No carpenter's shop can operate without this machine. We have just taken the machine off the truck on which it arrived. We are proud that with the help of European funds we will be able to provide services at the highest possible quality level.

The delivery of some more machines
More machines have just arrived, which will allow us to produce furniture not only from furniture board, but also from the natural raw material wood. We are already looking forward to the first realizations. I
In the photos below, you can see the thicknesser, the multi-saw and the wood gluing press. Here, the machines are freshly unloaded.

- April 2022
April 2022 - We have signed contracts for the purchase of timber machinery with the aid of European funding. LakFront will therefore not only provide services based on the processing of furniture board, but also of the natural raw material wood. Wooden furniture has a unique character, which is why we are ready to provide services and manufacture furniture from the natural materials like wood.
- March 2022
On 30.03.2022, the supplier of shelves fulfilled our investment in accordance to the support of the European Funds. what is more, he has assembled the ordered shelves. Thanks to the shelves, we will be able to expand the space in the hall. It is possible thanks to the vertical method of furniture storing.
- 29 Marzec 2022
Marzec 2022 – jednym z wydatków, który realizowaliśmy dzięki wsparciu Funduszy Europejskich był zakup piły formatowej, której dnia 29.03.2022 roku staliśmy się szczęśliwymi posiadaczami. Dzięki pile formatowej będziemy mogli rozkroić każdą płytę meblową z dokładnością do części milimetra. Pozwoli nam na przykład realizować zamówienia na lamelę (przykładowa fotografia poniżej).

- 13.03.2022
On 13.03.2022 we received a screw compressor which will allow us to operate other machines such as: THE CNC. In addition, the screw compressor is an extremely necessary element for the paint shop. Without a compressor, the spray guns do not work. Now we can enjoy well-painted furniture fronts.
- January 2022 - Installation of a dust extraction system for machines
January 2022 - We signed the contract for the supply of a dust extraction installation for the machines. With efficient and professional dust extraction for the machines, we are able to improve the safety of Our employees in terms of fire hazards.
LakFront, supported by European Funds, cares not only about the quality of the services and products. Our company will also take good care about employees, who are considered to be the main component of any enterprise.
Photo of an external filter:

- January 2022 - Installation of a dust extraction system for machines
January 2022 - We signed the contract for the supply of a dust extraction installation for the machines. With efficient and professional dust extraction for the machines, we are able to improve the safety of Our employees in terms of fire hazards.
- Vacuum Manipulator
One of the expenses we are implementing with the support of European Funds is the purchase of a pressure manipulator which, in addition to speeding up the work, will allow us to relieve our team when handling furniture boards, which are extremely heavy.
Example of furniture body board:
An example of a board for the production of furniture fronts:

An example of a board for the production of furniture fronts:

IMPLEMENTATION was fully successful. We wanted to present you the results of OUR work:


- January 2022 - Purchase of a spray booth
January 2022 - we signed a contract for the purchase of a professional spray booth and the installation of a ventilation and varnish extraction system. We are committed to quality, which is why the purchased spray booth. Thanks to its technical parameters, we are able to paint not only furniture fronts, but also aircraft elements. This proves that the equipment financed from European funds is of high quality, which will contribute to the quality of services provided by LakFront.